
Living Under A Loaded Gun




6 Years
Chrono I

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3ScarredPride - DemisexualDouble MasterSnake Eyes
09-06-2020, 06:53 PM

Poor mislead Jupiter. Most would have lost patience and either given up or just forced it. She was being a tease without knowing. It was sad to say she didn't know better. They were just the same age but she was so inexperienced in every way of life. She had missed all the best things. And there was still time to for her to learn and experience. But she'd never experience the growth of adolescence. And she probably would never understand love when the time came.

The touch on her foreleg made her pick it up and pull it into herself, but still not to say she was uncomfortable. To think she was insecure, just because she was a virgin, was extremely untrue. But no one could look into her mind and see that she was messed up into her maturity. But was it necessarily right to take advantage? No, even though Jupiter seemed to not have that intention. She'd reach out the paw that Jupiter had touched, mirroring the same touch she received just a bit lower considering Jupiter's much larger size. This is what she did when she sparred, this was her way of learning. Though it wasn't exactly practical or working for that matter. But she didn't have anyone else to teach her. She wouldn't say anything to the fact that she was still a little out of his loop, but instead she'd look back to his gentle gaze with a raised smile. Honestly she was vulnerable to him and only him due to him being the only wolf she knew from her past when she was "happy". She never accepted help or advice from anyone else, and she'd do just about anything he suggested.

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