
Someone New




5 Years

Pride - BisexualBeevent
09-06-2020, 08:34 PM

His comment about mingling with the peasants earned him a grin and a quick bit of laughter while her tail waved behind her. "Oh, yes, of course," she quickly agreed, giving a very serious nod despite the amused grin that she couldn't keep off of her face. "It's good to remind yourself of the common rabble from time to time... Humbleness is close to godliness or something like that - I don't know, I've only heard the phrase once and it clearly didn't leave much of an impression on me." She was about as far form humble as one could be at this point. While she didn't exactly think that she deserved the world or anything like that, she was still full of confidence that was only built upon by each man - or woman, she wasn't picky - she met that showed interest in her and her looks. Did she sometimes wonder if perhaps she would find someone that was more interested in her personality than her looks one day? Sure. Did it really bother her enough at this point to care? Not at all.

She smirked a little when he oh so subtly slipped into her space to stand beside her under the guise of getting closer to point out things in the distance. She most certainly didn't make a single move to shift away from him again - if anything she wanted to get even closer. When he leaned down to her ear to softly bring up the barn that was in the distance, she pretended to not be able to see what he was pointing out so that she could lean and stretch up on her tippy toes to get a better view, leaning toward him a bit in the process so that her shoulder would brush against his. It was a subtle thing, but it was the first contact between them and she was pleased with her subtlety all the same.

For once he actually caught her off guard when he oh so dramatically whispered what the barn contained... freaking sheep. The answer was so unexpected and his delivery was flawless and it pulled a whole hearted laugh from her, complete with a small snort. It wasn't the cute, flirty giggling she had done before... no, this was real laughter that she didn't often do around others because she didn't think it was very attractive. He'd surprised her so much with his humor that it escaped her before she could stop it. For once the witty girl had been beaten at her own game and she was honestly impressed. How was she supposed to compete with sheep? There was no good response for her to give, but luckily he went on to explain how and why they kept the sheep and it was actually quite smart if she was being honest. Having a constant source of food and materials for things wasn't something she had heard of someone doing before so even though it had started out full of humor she ended up being quite impressed with this Fireside alpha by the end of it all.

She chuckled and gave a small shake of her head as he finished with a jab at himself and the "alpha-mode" that he had fallen into. "Hey, everyone has to have a thing and if yours is sheep, who am I to judge?" she asked as she began to regain her composure and her sly grin returned to her muzzle. Although... a bit of actual, real curiosity creeped in on her and she tipped her head to the side as she added, "Wait, do you... actually know things about sheep breeding practices?" It made sense of course if they were eating the sheep they would need to replace those sheep with more sheep, but... that was some oddly specific knowledge about sheep.

"Talk" "You" Think