
Give me a reason why

ft Elba



1 Year

09-06-2020, 08:53 PM

She nodded in agreement when he mentioned that he hadn't expected to see her again. Honestly, any time she randomly met someone outside of the pack like that she never really expected to come across them again unless they ended up joining Valhalla or something like that. He'd obviously already been in a pack so that clearly wasn't going to happen so she had thought that their fight would be the only time they crossed paths. When he introduced himself, all the titles and things included, she tried to figure out how to reply in kind even though she really didn't have a rank to speak of yet. It reminded her that she should probably go talk to Aurielle about that now that they were actually settled in, but that wasn't something she could fix right this second. "Nice to meet you, Dunkan! I'm Elba Kvasir... Outlander of Valhalla, I guess," she replied with a shrug and a grin. It didn't necessarily bother her that much, but his had all sounded so official and serious that she wanted to match him a bit.

"Do you mind if I rest here with you a bit? I'm just about done with my herb collecting, but it's a pretty long walk back so it wouldn't hurt to rest up a bit before I go." Before he could really give her a yes or no, she reached over her shoulder to grab the bag that was draped over her back to pick it up and carefully set it down on the ground beside her. She didn't want to accidentally crush any of the plants she had collected of course. She settled onto her stomach with a contented sigh, her tail wagging gently against the grass behind her. "What are you doing out here?" she asked curiously. She didn't picture him as the herb collecting kind of guy, but she could certainly be wrong about that. Just be cause all of the healers that she had encountered had looked like herself and her mother didn't mean that a tough looking man couldn't be a healer as well.

"Talk" "You" Think