
Light of my life

Azaric <3



5 Years

09-06-2020, 10:04 PM

There weren't many wolves that Azariah would feel safe traveling with, but Ulric wasn't one of those. She would follow him anywhere and knew she would always be safe. He was there with her, and in true fashion, the monochrome lady would bump her body against his just enough to make sure he was really with her. It was a habit of hers now to seek contact with him whenever she could, finding comfort in the tiny gesture as they went on. Love had been what she was missing all along, that final piece of the puzzle that was Azariah. When they arrived at their destination, Aza was taken aback by the beauty of the place, but this was apparently not what Ulric had in mind for his surprise. Though, the fae that gathered seemed to be wise to his plans, as they lit up and danced all over the place. The tinkling of their laughter could be heard while they walked by, causing Aza to grin and watch their festivities. As he ushered her into a more isolated area, following her to her chosen seat on the sand, Azariah planted a gentle kiss on his cheek as she passed him and moved to sit. Settling back on her haunches, Azariah leaned into him as he held her from behind, perfectly content in that moment just to be happy and there with him. "The place alone is breathtaking, but you are always full of surprises, I know this will be good." Smiling happily she tilted her head back so that she rested it on his shoulder and could nip and tease his ear, always careful to be gentle.

Soon, as she looked out over the lake, Azariah began to notice that lights danced over the water, and her head tilted as she was reminded of their night at the waterfall. Though it was pinned between them, her tail gave the best wave it could, the white tip the only part that moved with the gesture. It didn't take long before the lights of the fae were drowned out by the twinkling of lightning bugs, the gentle squeeze that Ulric gave her just enough to bring her back. Her expression was one of dazzlement, wonder, and pure joy. "Est pulchra, amica mea!" Latin fell from her lips, and though he may not understand the statement, her meaning was clear on her face. It was beautiful! The thought and planning that had to go into getting the timing of the fireflies right showed her just how much care he had put into this surprise. "I love it, Ulric! It's so beautiful!" She repeated herself, finally realizing she had spoken in Latin, and laughed. She had told him she spoke a few languages, but her list had been rather extensive and she hadn't been specific. Most didn't know the language, but it was no issue for the monochrome woman. "Breathtaking." She said softly, her smile seeming unable to be removed, looking from her handsome love back to the sparkling festival in front of her. The man was truly magical, his mind worked in wondrous ways. Every time Azariah thought she loved him the most she could, she found more and more love for him ready to grow. It was a cycle she never hoped would end.

"Talking." | 'Thought.' | 'Others.'

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Ulric Adravendi & Fam may crash any of Azariah's threads regardless of tags! <3