
Beach Bash




The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (240)

Master Hunter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

11 Years
Dire wolf

LegendaryWealthySamhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
WordySilver Medal 2020Critical Hit!Critical Fail!Trick 2019Promptober 2019
09-06-2020, 11:39 PM

Sirius Fatalis

The Warlord laughed softly, bowing over her paw, and releasing her. His poor Wraith, he knew he shouldn’t tease her so. He glanced about himself, seeing Venom and Mortis conspiring in a corner. Meadow was getting ahead of herself, gifting Indigo a flower crown, which he could already tell the boy loved. Azure was sulking by Asla, likely an after effect of watching his father dance with a girl he liked. What boy wouldn’t stress seeing his dad conspiring with a girl?

He cleared his throat, and raised his voice above the sound of bonfire and speech. “Alright, it’s getting late, these troublemakers are almost at their one year mark. I see there are some presents to open, and I’m sure they appreciate any and all thought that went into them. Asla, Indigo, Mortis and Azure, come here. I have a present myself for you to open, and then you can start in on everyone else's. Feel free to speak out or hand your gift to themselves if you prefer, or they can grab them from the pile.”

He gave everyone a moment to organise themselves, and his kids to come closer. They had all been through so much in the last year. His kids had grown to incredible mental heights. He had seen Mortis learn how to shield his soft heart and fight. Indigo had learned to cultivate a garden, and appreciate new growth. Asla had taken on a love for fighting, and was learning her craft well. As she was learning a diplomat's face. Azure had learned to care past his own selfish desires, and he believed the boy truly would make a great King one day.

“First of all, my present to each of you is a piece of land. A choice to choose where to place your dens in the Armada, and what designs you would like. I will construct them to your desires myself.”

Ooc: For those giving gifts, feel free to step forward and give a description of your presents. If you would rather not have your wolf hand them to the kids, then just message me a description. I’ve pulled a rough list from what I read in everybodys posts:

Natha: Bear claw necklace each for Azure and Mortis (az marked with blue jay Feather, Mortis with crow). Ceramic bowls for Indigo. Bone knife for skinning for Asla
Dunkan: Skinned cougar hide to share
Hana: Herself
Meadow: Flower crown for Indigo &?
Naiche: Crafted lions hair for Asla
Venom: Trinkets x3?
Toxicity: Honey drops
Sedna: small wrapped bundled containing?