
I sip, you sip, we sip [Jup's bachelor orgy]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-07-2020, 12:59 PM

Coming here hadn't exactly been her idea. When they had heard someone yelling about a party while on a patrol, Resin had insisted that Tamsyn should go. She had been working to get herself out of her shell and get more confident with herself and her body and somehow her lover seemed to think that this would do the trick. It was true that she really hadn't had a whole lot of experience with the world outside of the Armada since she had joined fairly soon after finding herself in Boreas and it was also true that Resin was the one and only wolf she had been with as far as a romantic relationship went so she was incredibly inexperienced, but... She still wasn't entirely sure that being thrown into the deep end of interaction was really the way to fix things. It was very much the "rip the band-aid off" method and she was incredibly uncertain about the whole thing.

When she reached the party there was quite a few other wolves that had already gathered. She was hesitant at best, but she determined to at least try for the sake of being able to tell Resin she gave it a shot. She saw another man that seemed to be as nervous as she was so she was naturally drawn toward him, but she still lingered around the edge of the group and was uncertain of how to even begin. She spotted one of the containers that was sitting a couple feet from her and recognized the smell from the mead that Resin had shared with her before. While she wasn't normally a fan of things that would inebriate her, she thought that maybe now might be the time for exceptions. Tamsyn took several drinks of the liquid, the taste making her nose wrinkle and made a not entirely pleasant burn down her throat. Maybe with a little bit of liquid courage she'd be able to get more involved with this "party".
