
I sip, you sip, we sip [Jup's bachelor orgy]



Advanced Fighter (75)

Intermediate Intellectual (50)

8 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipPride - AsexualUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantVolcano
Christmas 2019
09-07-2020, 08:38 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2020, 08:38 PM by Thalia.)
Why Thalia kept ending up in places she didn't really want to be, surrounded by so many wolves, well... she knew exactly why. Everything she did was done to strengthen Aerie, to serve the one true God, and to deepen their influence across Boreas and Auster. To do that, she needed to meet as many wolves as she possibly could, to learn everything she could about the various packs and families that had any influence at all on her world, until she knew precisely to position herself to her advantage. The absolutely easiest way to do that was to attend various events, whether they be simple, wholesome festivals or... whatever the fuck this event was. The sound of it really didn't suit her in the slightest, and she had a feeling Eligos was thinking along similar lines as she was. Attending would likely prove productive for both of them, even without participating in any debauchery. Thalia wasn't sure what she was interested in less - the drinking, or the activities that might result from such things - but she was interested in the way mouths might loosen up under the influence of such things.

Or.. maybe they'd just be too distracted by one another to even talk to her. That was a real possibility too, and one that was already looking probable as she drew closer. Though she'd accompanied Eligos there, she was sure he had something of his own in mind, especially as she approached a young female he seemed familiar with. She knew him well enough that she would bet anything that he wouldn't willingly engage in the kind of foolishness that everyone here seemed to already be getting up to, though likewise she wouldn't cling to him like a lost puppy all night. Sighing, she veered off on her own, checking out the other wolves that had gathered. Fel was here too, though looked to be getting up to something of her own, something Thalia was not about to follow her into.

What was left, then? A whole lot of wolves - strangers, of course - getting rowdy, some notable more frisky than others. The thought made Thalia want to puke. She was overstimulated already, trying to focus on anyone in particular, and failing miserably as all of her senses went into overdrive. For now she was intent on lurking in the shadows, and simply observing things... and she was busy hunkering down behind a crowd when a familiar face caught her attention. Theory. What was she doing here? Surely she was just here for diplomacy's sake, right? That had to be it. She seemed like she was friendly with the male she was standing next to, but Thalia averted her gaze quickly. She'd admitted to Eligos she was friendly with her, but she hadn't said just how friendly... not that Theory would really show that here, in a public setting, right?

Suddenly she felt nauseous. Ignoring her, and hiding from her, seemed the best bet for the moment. Somewhat frantically, though her panic was hidden behind her carefully set facade, she searched for someone who looked like they might be open to a conversation. In her desperation she zeroed in on the nearest available wolf, an unassuming male who was... doing something with a stick. Okay then. Clearing her throat, she headed his way - all the while casting the occasional glance Theory's way, simultaneously hoping that she both did and didn't notice her here. "Oh - hello," Thalia greeted Shilah, hoping she seemed half as confident as she wanted to see. "I'm Thalia Abraxas. I happened to notice you were - uh - doing something there," she concluded lamely, honestly having no clue what he was up to, though his solitary position at the moment made her hopeful that he might be a bit more like her than the rest of these wolves likely were.