
Pick and choose




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-07-2020, 09:29 PM

“Of course,” Naiche responded to the trader.  Naiche would not be held responsible for something once he sold it off and wouldn’t expect different of another seller.  That was smart business.

Naiche took the offered rope, eyeing the quiet creature that seemed rather unphased about changing handlers.  If it stayed this chill all the time Naiche would be pleased, but he really doubted that.   It seemed a lot of animals were good at being nuisances.  Still, this one might be worth the effort the way it was so armored and strong claws.

He took the pangolin and saw it intended to use those insanely huge claws to climb up the cart.  Naiche lowered his head to give it a boost as if his head were a dang stool.  Naiche tried to shove it in then suddenly found part of the pangolin’s tail around his forehead.  Naiche stalled for a moment at the surprise, noticing those scales were no joke and the tail was a pretty solid thing.  Hopping up with his two paws on the cart he ducked his head down so the pangolin seemed willing to let go.

“Thanks again Sirius,” this was far beyond anything he had earned.  This wasn’t from any blood relative or anyone near similar station as him.  The warlord who was in charge of an impressive number of wolves, and most with more experience than Naiche, was still showing this kindness and taking time out for him.  His band had been only family so maybe this was something other packs would do also but Naiche still felt pretty damn special for it.  He couldn’t imagine it was normal for someone like the armada’s warlord to go throwing gifts around to all wolves in the pack.

Naiche glanced back at a soft scraping sound to find the Pangolin had climb up so it was resting on the top of the cart instead of inside it.  Once up there it seemed content to lay down with legs sagging off either side, tail hidden on the inside of the cart.  Apparently it did like being up high.