
Pro Butterfly Hunter?



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipOoze ImmuneThe Ooze Participant
09-07-2020, 10:25 PM
Life had changed fast for the grey and white wolf pup.  There was a hollow spot in his gut as he tried coping with the fact his parents were dead.  A lot of tears had been shed, a lot of time trying to flee back into the past but it hadn’t worked.  Lurid had let him mourne for a while but then she had told him he had to grow up.  Pining away at what he couldn’t have was something Lurid would not allow.  They had left his old home, escaped the horrible memory.  Kichi was just glad Lurid hadn’t died to that horrible day, she was all he had now.

They had set up for the time being where some large branches had fallen and were now leaning up against a tree that allowed shelter from the majority of the elements large enough for a grown wolf and pup.  Doing nothing while alone made his mind wander and think of the past.  Since Lurid didn’t want him focusing on the past that must  mean she’d rather him explore and just be careful.

Kichi left his temporary little den to explore.  Maybe he could find something to hunt that would impress Lurid.  Kichi started sniffing around the little area in a circular pattern, but after a few sniffs he spotted an adequate target.  The butterfly was the size of a rabbit! No, a giant rabbit! Rabit-zilla!  Ok, so maybe it wasn’t the size of a rabbit but it was still big.

Kichi lowered his head and tail as he took a few small steps towards his target before running and leaping on the branch of a small tree it had been resting on, “Gotcha!” No, he got a branch popping him in the face and the butterfly taking wing to another tree.  This next time he would get it!