
Ugh, labor pains...

ft Kichi <3



Expert Fighter (238)

Master Intellectual (255)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

8 Years
Dire wolf

Double Master1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-08-2020, 06:35 PM
Lurid Amarix

The boy seemed so eager to prove her wrong, his upbeat and positive manner almost unbearable in his naiivite. Lurid writhed beneath her skin as impatience with the boy's puppyhood innocence, inwardly seething as he continued in his defiance of her. Where this patience for her son came from, she would never know. Lurid was known to kill those who tested her the way Kichi was unknowingly doing right now, her temper not one to pick at. Still, the behemoth found a way to stay her fangs, understanding that loss was hard to come to terms with for adults, let alone barely weaned pups.  As hard as it would have been, Lurid regretted not killing the pair sooner. Better to take Kichi to a wet nurse than to have brought this dastardly lesson in finality so soon. For the first time, Lurid found herself conflicted, guilt at having hurt her little one this way, and pride over a job well done. Tamping the guilt away, Lurid raised her head as Kichi stated he knew her rules, her head lifting up as a heavy sigh left her lungs on a dual-toned hiss. She stood by him as they came across the elk she had slain, the one she used in her hunting accident. The demoness gave an appropriately sad smile as the little storm cloud stopped to look the beast over. Until his tail drooped down in the most depressing manner imaginable and Lurid's faint glimmer of pride in the boy was gone. Of course, she would always be proud of her son, but right now he tested her patience. She didn't want to linger here, she wanted to leave the area. There was no reason for Kichi to see this.

Lurid tried to warn him about what he would find here, she had wanted to protect him from this. There was no convincing him, and now unmitigated grief would consume him. He would get mopey and refuse to eat, he would want his real mother, his father. He would be angry, and she would have to be the one to get him through all of it. Yes, she should have killed the bitch and her weak mate sooner. Lurid could have spared the boy this pain if she hadn't been so stubborn. Not wanting to take the boy anywhere else had stopped her from seeking out a wet nurse when one was already there. A dozen different scenarios played out in ways that would have avoided his pain. She needed that cord cut, however. The Amarix queen would need him, a fresh mind to mold as she pleased. It would take time, but all of the best things were often products of time and pressure. No matter what came now, he would be stronger for it.

As the weight of it all finally came crashing down on him, the pup shook. The ghost had come up behind him, intending to wrap a paw around his tiny shoulders with a surprising delicacy. "Kichi..." The demon wanted to comfort her son, but she wasn't sure there was anything that could. Instead, she stood by him, in an attempt to ground him. A softly whispered denial passed his lips, so fine it might have been missed had she not been watching his reaction and waiting for him to shout so she could pull him to her chest. What she had not expected was for him to run, or well, what he thought was running. Even in his darkest moment, the boy was cute! Her heart swelled as she kept pace with him easily, walking only a few lengths away so that he would feel he was going really fast. The sooner she could get them out of here, the better, Lurid had no intention of coming back to the scene of her crime ever again. He would tire soon, and he would need her there with him, even now she could hear him breathing heavily as he toddled away. Her own heart was broken for him, but if she could have the patience to see it through, she knew she would be rewarded for her efforts.

Lurid took two hurried strides and caught up with the storm pelted boy, snatching him up gently but firmly in her jaws. Speaking through her teeth as she carried him, Lurid was remarkably tender and careful with her baby. "You can't just run off, little love. Let's go home, we can take a nap, if you want?" Ordinarily, he would have laughed at her, but she knew he wouldn't laugh this time. Carrying the boy home, Lurid held a parade for herself on the inside. She won, she got her son, and he would be wholly hers now. The boy would get time to grieve, but then they would move on. He would learn how to be strong, he would learn how to live in a world full of wolves like her. Perhaps, in time, he would have a kingdom to inherit. For now, all she could give him was love and guidance.

|| Word count: 846 words. ||
"Talk." || 'Think.' || 'You.'
Note: So..on to happy threads after next Kichi post? Or just go ahead on to happy threads?
Despite her adorable good looks, Lurid is quite the nasty character. Use extreme caution when threading with her. Her threads are almost always considered mature, with possible triggers. Caution, this character is rated M for Mature! <3 She is unpredictable even to her author, who decides her conduct by random die rolls. Ilyn is a 24" tall polar bear & Samael is a black Augur Buzzard with a 50" wingspan, they travel with Lurid as her companions. If not directly mentioned, assume they are nearby. As her mate, Requiem is allowed in any of her threads regardless of label. Lurid possesses diamond-studded armor which she uses in battle.

Click the character icon to see Lurid's profile.
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