
Will You Remember?

Basilisk II


1 Year
Extra large

Halloween 2020 - Witches Hut
09-08-2020, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2020, 07:03 PM by Basilisk II.)

She declined to speak of her troubles, and he did not press. As she groaned beneath the touch of his paws, he put his full concentration into the effort. He found a few tight muscles around her shoulders, and worked carefully, slowly, and steadily to loosen them. Making his way down her back, and then further along her shoulders, and partly down her paws. His motions were slow and soothing, allowing her to fall asleep if she so chose to.

He waited until her breathing evened out, and she seemed well and truly comfortable. He then made his way to her den, and grabbed the best coat from his room. Not wishing to drag out her main bedding and get it dusty.

He returned, and keeping his motions smooth and careful so as not to jostle or wake her, he pulled it over her, and tucked it in around her sides. One of the pillows she had chucked at him early went next to her head. So if she woke in the night and wanted further comfort, it was only a nudge away.

He added a few more bits of fuel to the fire, so the warmth would keep the night air out, and then settled down nearby. Stretching on the ground with a yawn, the guard decided to remain awake and keep an eye out.
His slow, soft breathing shortly after told the world how well that worked out.
