
Stitch by stitch




7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-08-2020, 10:20 PM

Who could possibly blame him for being this insatiable or all over his lady when she was this intoxicating? From the sound of her sweet, joyful laughter to the purr she had to her voice that was so uniquely hers and the nips and kisses that fell in-between - everything she did drove him crazy. The moment she managed to slip away from his arms he was on his feet, following after her with a wide, crooked grin. He abandoned the supplies he had collected for now. He couldn't imagine that anyone would be by anytime soon that would bother them anyway and even if they did catching up with Azariah was worth it.

Ulric loped after her, his long strides making it easy to catch up to the smaller woman as she darted off to a secluded clearing that was dotted with flowers. Once they were in the middle of the clearing he chuckled and reached out with one of his forelegs, catching her around the waist and forcing her to stop. "And where do you think you're going?" he teased as he pulled her closer to him, catching one of her ears gently between his teeth and letting those teasing nips and nibbles trail down over the curve of her jaw. For once, his oversized frame and strength came in handy for something other than fighting and he had really been putting his build to use since meeting Azariah. Wrapping his foreleg around her shoulders, he hooked around her frame and pulled her into him in the same motion as he went rolling to the ground, pulling her down with him.

He grinned and chuckled as he caught her securely in his forelegs, letting her land on top of him to break her fall and wrapping her up in his embrace now that she was laying across him. His silver eyes sparkled with humor and he just couldn't possibly keep the grin off his face. "You make me the happiest man in the world, you know that?" he mused before leaning forward just enough to place a gentle kiss on her muzzle. His tone was full of amusement and amazement, but that didn't make it any less truthful. His worries had felt so much farther away since they met and the few that did still linger felt like they were far more manageable. He felt like as long as he had her then everything would end up alright in the end.
