
Sands of time




10 Years
Athena I
09-10-2020, 09:26 AM

Báine easily caught the saddened, pained expression that came with him beginning to tell her about his mate and her disappearance. She frowned as sorrow and sympathy crossed her expression as she listened. She could understand and sympathize with loosing a mate, but there was the added layer of not knowing where she went or what happened to her that made her feel for the scarred man in front of her. At least she had known what had happened to Thorben and had been able to be there with him when he passed... She couldn't imagine living with that mystery and wondering if something had happened to her or if she had actually just left on her own accord. Plus, having five children to raise on his own... She thought she had her paws full with one.

"I'm so sorry that you went through all of that..." she replied softly after a moment. She really did mean that, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel a very selfish sense of relief. Since his mate had left and it sounded like Acere didn't believe that she would return it meant that perhaps these feelings that had so quickly resurfaced weren't completely for nothing. She wasn't sure how to bring the possibility up after listening to the heartache that he had gone though, but she wanted to. She wanted the chance to pick up where they left off so badly even though she knew it was nearly impossible.

She still had to remind herself that even though it was something she wanted, there was so many hurdles she would have to go through to get there... and there was the fact that their time together would still be so limited. When she spoke again it was hesitantly, but she still felt like she needed to tell him what was sitting on her heart. She'd never live with herself if she didn't at least try. It would be one thing if she told him the truth and he decided it wasn't worth it, but if she never even told him... "Acere, I... I still have feelings for you," she was tentative with her words, peeking up at him nervously as she looked for his reactions. "I always have. Being around you... It feels like I never left." A little smile pulled on to her lips at that, but it quickly faded as the ever present, nagging thought in the back of her mind reared its ugly head again.

"But, I... Acere, I'm..." She sighed heavily, her eyes slipping away from his as she looked at the ground between them. "I'm dying." There, she said it out loud. It was somehow a fact that she had mentally accepted with herself quite awhile ago and had no problem discussing with Nolan or her family, but somehow as she looked at the man that she had longed after for so long she had a hard time telling him the truth. It was admitting that she was broken goods and that what time they might have together would be incredibly limited. "I've been sick for a very long time now and it doesn't seem to be getting better. I have good days like today, but there are days when I can barely stand." Her voice was soft and regretful and it pained her to tell him about what she was going through. "Zuriel and Daelos both tried their best, but... I don't know how much longer I have. It could be months, it could be a year."

She sighed and lifted her eyes back to his, her expression grim and yet somehow still slightly hopeful. "I... I don't want to put you another loss. But... I'd... If you wanted to..." She was at a complete loss for words. She wanted to ask him if he might want to give their relationship another try, but she just couldn't find the words. Her pale ears folded back against her head and she waited to see if he might be able gather what she was trying to say.

"Talk" Think