
naïf -- non-conish.


"Helen of Koi"


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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-10-2020, 11:38 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 07:51 PM by Hanako.)
OOC: nothing "happens" since az will shove his nose in but the intent is there

Hanako was having a bit of an off day. Try as she might the mask just wouldn't stay on, slipping off to reveal a quiet and apathetic wolf beneath. She was less of a social butterfly and more of a cocoon, her expression a little sharper around the edges, her gaze cold as she wandered over the Armada borders into the wilds. She ventured east, hoping an early morning walk would help lighten her mood, or at least give her the energy to pretend everything was a-okay. Except it was, nothing was outwardly wrong and Hanako had no real complaints to speak of but...she just felt a little off. As though she didn't belong in her skin, that everything she'd ever done amounted to nothing in the grand scheme of things. In all likelihood it was simply teenage hormones messing with her head, blowing everything out of proportion but it felt deeper, resounding as though Hanako had been ignoring an issue for too long and that it would no longer be denied.

But whatever, Hanako had found a pretty waterfall and even now she took the time to admire it. With the sun only just rising over the horizon the water was liquid gold, rolling over the rocks in a gentle but pleasing trickle to her ears. She strode forth, her footsteps a little more certain as she approached the stream and looked down at her reflection. Again, perhaps it was all that teenage uncertainty coming to the surface but she couldn't help but dislike what she saw. As though for a moment she wished she could be anyone else.

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