
With a bit of liquid courage



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-10-2020, 06:54 PM

The General had spent a good portion of the beginning of this “party” partaking in the various beverages that had been brought for them to enjoy and simply watching everyone that had gathered. At some point she had caught a glimpse of Resin as she went to hide away, clearly not trying to be seen, but still keeping Tamsyn within her sight. It did make her relax a bit. She still did her best to not go looking for her lover so that she could make herself interact with new wolves - that had been the whole point of this experience after all - but it still made her feel better knowing that Resin was near by if she needed her.

She wasn’t sure how much she had actually had of the mead and wine that sat near her in skins and jars, but at some point she began to realize that her watching and drinking was really beginning to effect her. She rose to her paws and things felt a bit more wobbly than she would have liked, but she at least felt like she was still thinking coherently so it wasn’t all bad. Her mint hued eyes scanned the wolves around her curiously. Most had begun to pair off or group into smaller clusters for conversations and... other things. Some were more bold than others and she was actually a bit envious of the wolves that were confident and bold enough to do such things so spontaneously. She was struggling to even strike up a conversation with a stranger.

Her eyes landed on a man that was at least semi familiar. She didn’t know his name, but she’d never forget his face after that usual fight. The slight familiarity and her alcohol infused confidence finally convinced her to approach him while he wasn’t occupied with someone else. “Hello,” she said simply in greeting with a small smile. “I’m Tamsyn... I don’t know if you remember me, but you definitely caught me off guard using that pot as a weapon when we fought.” At the very least she could appreciate his approach as a fighter and she had been curious about it ever since she had fled from Aerie’s lands so there was at least something for her to talk about.
