
Moonlit Fun



2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-10-2020, 10:19 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2020, 10:20 PM by Naiche.)

It was a full moon, and a damnably bright one.  The moon’s light reflected in the lake near his den to make it even brighter.  Naiche was likewise irritated and he had no source to name it, but Asla would do.  It always came to his mind first.   She would love that, to hear he’d blame her even for the moon itself? Naiche let out an exasperated sigh and got up, glancing down to his new companion.  Who ever knew there was a companion so easy to get along with?  “Hey, get up.  I can’t sleep.”  Apparently Pan, the pangolin had been sleeping just fine as Naiche had to nudge it another two times before it seemed to really wake up.

Naiche preferred having it walk on its own but for the sake of speed lay down to let the scaled creature onto his back, its long tail wrapping about a portion of his neck.  Naiche took off with a long-legged stride towards the beach.  What were the odds of anyone else looking to fight at this time? It was what Naiche really wanted.  Clearly he hadn’t been active enough today to burn all his energy.  He had spent a portion of the day explaining to Pan his job in different fight scenario’s and how to keep up with him during the day.  Maybe it had just been too much sitting and talking versus fighting.

Naiche saw the sandy beach and the fighting area, at first glad to realize others were there.  He was less thrilled when the scent of Asla turned out to be one.  He’d ignore her, there was a second wolf he hadn’t met there as well and that sounded perfect! Meet someone new and get a fight in at the same time.

Words: 296