
under da sea


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-11-2020, 10:28 AM

Dashing to the surface, Hanako dragged in a lungful of air as she stared up at the sky. Her senses returned to their full strength so it took her only a moment to realise that Mortis seemed to be in some sort of trouble. She whipped around, eyes wide as she took in the sight of what appeared to be strange octopus wolf hybrid. Tentacles curled around his snout, suckers smushed against his skin as Mortis tried, and failed, to shake it lose. When he managed to call for help his words were muffled as he was unable to open his mouth very far but Hanako didn't need to be told twice. She kicked forward and grabbed the octopus' head, biting down as hard as she could till it stopped squirming. It was funny how the roles were reversed, this time Hanako coming to aid Mortis with his big catch. Blood stained the water as it's tentacles went limp, sliding off his face to reveal that he'd somehow come out unscathed. If she'd been any slower his face might have been all lumpy and riddled with welts, which would have been funny for a little while but ultimately Hanako was relieved her friend was unharmed.

"Ohh wow!" Hanako said, appraising the octopus with a pleased nod. It was the biggest she'd ever seen and her stomach rumbled  in anticipation. Her strides became a little choppy as she paddled to stay afloat, her excitement mounting as she stared at the tentacles like a woman possessed. "Lets go eat!" She ordered, turning tail and swimming back to land as quickly as her body would allow. They'd hash out who ate what once they got there, for now she just wanted to get her paws back on the sand before the blood attracted something more attuned to hunting in the sea.

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