
dancin'' in the sand [aklah]



5 Years
09-11-2020, 08:37 PM

Shilah picked up one of the straight sticks in his jaws and scooted over a large rock next to him. He carefully repositioned the spear in his mouth so that his jaws were closer to the end he wanted to sharpen that way he had better leverage. He eyed the rock for a moment then started rubbing the end of the spear against the rock as he worked to make a sharpened point. All the while his thoughts kept drifting to the gorgeous woman sitting nearby, especially the way the moonlight touched her figure.

Shilah picked up a stick of pine pitch and warmed it near the fire until it was sticky and soft enough to fill the notch of his new spear. He lightly pressed the pine pitch into the notch then set the pine pitch down and picked up the spearhead he wanted to use. He gingerly pressed the back end of the spearhead into the notch. He held the spearhead into the spear until the pine pitch dried enough so that the spearhead wouldn't move out of place.

He set it down, turning back to Akna as she mentioned the reindeer. "Ah, so you're a nomad to? It is wonderful to meet another. The wolves here seem more prone to packs. I have to admit I've thought about joining one myself but…" He shrugged lightly. It just wasn't in his nature though perhaps he could find a way to come to some compromise.

Suddenly she moved close, pressing her frame into his own. Spirits she was even more gorgeous up close! He grinned and pushed the spear aside. "You flatter me. Perhaps… I might show you what else my tongue can do?" He leaned in close seeking to nuzzle and lick at her neck, just below her jawline.