
A far away time

w Casso



5 Years
Extra large
Athena I

09-11-2020, 10:52 PM

"Of course I'm sure," he insisted when she questioned his offer for her to wake him whenever she had a nightmare. "I'll lose more sleep knowing that you're struggling with this than I will from you waking me up." Now that she was his he would do everything in his power to make sure that she was living the best life she possibly could. That included making sure she was sleeping well and able to face her traumas in a way that wouldn't end up hurting her more. He didn't care if they had to sleep away the morning after being up most of the night from one of her nightmares - he would do whatever it took to support her through this. That's what he owed her as his mate and it was what she deserved. This was help that she should have been getting from the beginning, but he was more than ready to be that for her now and try to make up for lost time.

When she mentioned that she wished she could be better, a small, encouraging smile touched his lips. "You will," he assured her while he watched her close her eyes with the breeze rustling her pale coat. She was like a precious pearl. The pressure of her life was the oyster that she had been grown in and now he was doing his best to pry open that oyster to reveal this beautiful, pale woman within. His precious pearl. While he held her possessively against his chest he knew that nothing would ever hurt her again. If anything did manage to slip past him and get to her, they would have hell to pay. He wasn't entirely sure how to be a good mate for her yet, but he at least knew that he would protect her and make sure she was cared for to the best of his ability. Falling short of that wouldn't be fair to her.

A rare grin crossed his lips when she replied in kind to his declaration of love and told him that she would be there for him as well. "I know you will. You already have been. I knew you were the one I was meant to be with forever when you found me after killing that bear and you didn't even bat an eye... you just jumped right into caring for me and making sure I was okay." He couldn't possibly express in words how much that moment had meant to him so he gave her another gentle kiss instead, squeezing her gently in his embrace. That day had been the tipping point for him in their relationship. That was when he knew that she could handle everything that came with him. None of it was pretty, but she was so exceedingly patient with him from the very beginning. He owed it to her to do the same.

"Come on, let's go get some sleep," he told her as he left an affectionate lick on her forehead. Even though it was still a tad earlier then he would normally go to bed, he knew she was exhausted and he wanted to make sure that she got a good night's sleep. He carefully untangled himself from her so that he could lead the way to their room. He padded inside and settled himself onto the plush pile of furs that he had been slowly adding to. It was just about large and thick enough for him to be happy with, perhaps just a couple more pelts to give him some extra room and then it would be done. He rolled onto his back and tapped his chest with his paw to invite her over in a silent invitation for her to lay across him if she liked. "I'll be your pillow tonight," he added with a soft chuckle.

"Talk" Think