
Teetering on the edge



3 Years
09-11-2020, 11:11 PM

Rhona jumped a little at the sound of a voice speaking to her and she lifted her amber eyes till they landed on a tan and gray-marked young woman. She was smaller than herself in height and build and somehow that didn't keep her from being any less apprehensive about meeting her. At first she didn't quite register the questions she had been asked and realized with a start that she was just kind of staring at the stranger instead of actually answering. She dropped her eyes back to the ground as her ears flicked back with embarrassment. "Sorry... I'm Rhona." The first wolf she met in the pack besides Tamsyn and Sirius and this was how it started... wonderful. She tried to gather up what scraps of confidence she had, but they were still threadbare from the events that had happened a few days prior.

She wasn't sure how to answer the question of why she looked like she had seen a ghost. There were so many layers to that and she didn't know where to begin or if she should even try. "I'm just processing some... things," she said, landing on what was possibly the vaguest answer she could have possibly thought of. Even to her own ears it sounded insufficient and irritating so she sighed and glanced off to the side as she tried again. "I had an abusive mate and he chased me here. He was murdered and Sirius let me stay." That was really just scratching the surface, but she hoped it was enough to explain her far off gaze and jumpy demeanor.

Her eyes landed on the roll of hides that was laying behind the woman, realizing she must have been carrying them before she stopped to talk to her. "Would you... like some help?" she offered with a small nod toward the roll. If there was anything that could get her out of talking about herself for a moment and perhaps make up for the awkward start to their conversation she would do it.
