
Scared of myself




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-12-2020, 12:28 AM

“Get your head up,” she was trying, but that was different than confidentally keeping it up there, “You’re a wolf, don’t go around acting like a scared rabbit.  More than that you are a member of the armada, be proud of that.” yup he was already irritated.  Tamsyn had brought her in?  Why would Tamsyn bring this sort of wolf in?  Oh, Tamsyn was nice.  Nice was good but it should have limits!  Was there hidden promise in her somewhere?

“I’m Naiche, whats your name?,” the formality was back in his tone, it seemed the best way to work at hiding irritation at her.  He hated cowards, and he hated cowards being in his pack.  This needed to be fixed fast. “Tamsyn’s a great wolf.  If she wanted you here then there must be some reason why.”  Did that count for saying something nice? It was the best he could offer.

On Naiche’s head Pan was looking curiously at Rhona and lifted its head raising a hand of rather impressive claws in a waving gesture.  At least one of them could act nice.

“Time to fix that.  It’s not enough to know our land, you need to know the land around us,” his tone rather like giving a student a lecture. “Pan wanted to go visit the willow tree’s anyway, so you can come with us.  Tell me about yourself, what your good at, what experiences you’ve had.  You smell of fear.” Yup, blunt as ever.

If he had to deal with her in the pack he needed to figure out how to fix her, fast.  Fighting Sirius and then that bear had been a great way for Naiche to start off growing.  She seemed a bit cowardly for that.  Naiche wasn’t fighting a bear without someone he could trust to help.  Something smaller then?  Then again he could just surprise attack her himself?  Geeze, what if she just tried to roll over instead of fighting? Naiche tried to decide if he’d ask Tamsyn later why she’d bring in weaklings.  There had to be a reason?