
Teetering on the edge



3 Years
09-12-2020, 01:19 AM

“My father does like to collect the broken.” That hit her harder than the girl probably meant for it to - if she had meant for it to be heard at all with how she had said it mostly to herself. It made a knot twist in her stomach. Was that all she was? The broken? How had Tamsyn gotten to be how she was now? Were they not cut from the same cloth? All these questions floated around in her head and distracted her to the point that she almost missed the follow up question that was given to her. “Resin,” she replied, giving the large, scarred woman’s name. She still hadn’t quite convinced herself to face Resin since the day she killed Osmond despite how close she was with Tamsyn, but at some point she knew she would want to thank her for what she did.

When her offer to help was accepted, Rhona got to her feet and went to where the furs were laying and waited there for the tan woman to reappear. She realized when she looked at her a second time that there were also some interesting green-hued markings around her body as well, but it was mostly just a passing observation. She picked up the bundle she had been assigned to and carried it as she followed behind the young woman dutifully. She liked having a task, even if it was just a simple one like this. At least it was better than laying there afraid of her own thoughts.

At the silent invitation to come inside, Rhona did just that, her orange-hued eyes looking around the space curiously. With a nod to the instructions she was given, she gently placed the furs she had been carrying in their designated space before backing out into the main chamber again. “Um... I don’t think I caught your name,” she mentioned, letting her focus return to the tan and gray woman again after she finished admiring the space.
