
Teetering on the edge



3 Years
09-12-2020, 01:05 PM

Rhona easily nodded in agreement when she heard the smaller woman say that Osmond had deserved it. He certainly had and she wasn't denying that, it had just been the amount of bloodshed and violence behind his death that had thrown her. Even if he had been killed more simply or not ripped apart when it was done perhaps she'd have an easier time, but he hadn't been. He'd been torn to shreds and had left a massive splash of blood across the ground in the wake of his death. The very logical and analytical side of her brain told her that it didn't matter how he died, it only mattered that he had, but the sheltered, emotional side still hadn't really processed what she had seen.

She looked up at Aslatiel with surprise as she approached, blinking when she bumped her shoulder. The simple gesture pulled a slight smile to her lips. It wasn't a big gesture by any means, but she still appreciated it all the same. She had already begun to figure out that things were very different here. The fact that Sirius had begun her training her very first day here very clearly painted a picture that women were not treated any differently here from the men. It was a fact she was slowly adjusting to, but she was excited and nervous for the change all the same. Learning how to fight was probably the biggest adjustment for her of anything... either that or learning to not immediately act submissive to any males she came across.

She watched Aslatiel go back to sorting and putting away her things, feeling a bit more calm than when she had first arrived. It had felt like it was her against herself, and she still felt that way to a certain degree, but at least the had the opportunity to get better here. Back in her old life that opportunity was never been a blip on any of their radar. There was a status quo and she was not allowed to step outside of that box. Rho nodded with understanding to the fact that it was going to be a lot of work. There was going to be a lot of hurdles for her to go though, mentally and physically, to get to where she needed to be, but she wanted those things. She wanted to be strong and she never wanted anyone to treat her the way she had been treated in the past. She was ready and willing to put in the work, she just needed to learn how to be patient with herself during the long road to get there.

Her smile widened in response to the offer to help her with her training, her tail wagging gently against the den's floor. "I would really appreciate that." She knew that Sirius would probably continue to help with her training as well and she could ask Tamsyn as well, but she hated feeling like a burden. Perhaps if she had enough wolves to learn from she could spread her time out between them so she wouldn't bother one particular wolf so often.
