
Scared of myself




2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-13-2020, 12:47 AM

Naiche tried to lift his eyes up as if he could see the pangolin on his forehead.  So there was one thing wrong with it, Pan was overly friendly.  Oh well, most companions appeared to be a lot more annoying. His eyes didn’t stay away from Rhona long though, he approved the she managed to raise her head even a bit.

When she started venting with all her reasons Naiche was startled.  She went from fearful to ticked off.  Good, anger was far more useful than fear.  She had faced battles of another sort which Naiche thankfully had never been put through.  Honestly he was surprised the part about Resin tearing up the other wolf.  Naiche could only imagine he’d feel a great deal of satisfaction in such a situation.  Either way, she had been hurt bad and that venting had to be good for her, even if she didn’t realize it.  Sometimes venting was required to grow stronger and move away from the past.

Once she walked off he let a grin spread over his face.  It wasn’t because of how he had upset her, it was because she was spirited enough to have talked back despite the fear.  Naiche let her have a minute before he strode up to walk with her.  Time to do something he didn’t care for but seemed necessary right then. “I’m sorry,” he wasn’t really, but he tried to make it sound convincing.  At least he wasn’t lecturing her right then?  “Tell me though, didn’t it feel a little good telling me off?  I bet you held onto that for a while.”

Glancing away from her and ahead he changed topics, “If you’d like I can help you a bit.  We could work on hunting or fighting.  Fighting might be the best place for you to start.” How much could he push her?  Knowing there was a fire deeper in her and the fact Tamsyn let her in meant it had to be worth his time to help her.  Regardless what he thought of this wolf she was part of the pack so it was his duty to assist.  It didn’t mean he’d coddle her, but in one way or another he would try to make Rhona strong.  

He might piss her off more at some point, but wouldn’t she feel it was worth it when she saw how it made her stronger?