
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-13-2020, 01:46 AM

The night had been like a dream. It was everything she could have possibly imagined and more - so, so much more. She hadn't really understood what pleasure felt like and it hadn't been a part of any of the conversations that she had been given as a young woman from her mother. No, those had been strictly about how these things tied to having children because that's all that had mattered to them then. There was no pleasure in that life... but this life, this life was full of pleasure that she had never imagined possible thanks to her lover. She had slept more soundly than she ever had in her entire life that night and continued to sleep well into the morning, not stirring at all when Resin left to hunt.

When she blinked her eyes open, it took her a moment to realize she was alone. The very noticeable absence of her lover's larger form around her was very much missed and it made her lift her head with a groggy frown. Only a few moments later though she heard the sound of paw steps and her mint eyes shifted to look at the entrence to their chamber, a smile immediately pulling across her face as she gave Resin the biggest, silliest grin you could possibly imagine. "There you are... I-" she said, a yawn stretching her jaws and cutting off the rest of her words. Tamsyn giggled and let her head lay back down on the plush bed so that she was looking at Resin side ways. She finally noticed the prey that Resin had brought for them and she added, "You should have gotten me up, I couldn't have helped," she insisted, even though she was still half asleep.

She pulled herself out of the bed with another yawn, climbing to her feet and going herself a shake before she padded over to Resin to place a tender kiss on her lips. Her kisses had quickly become far more familiar throughout the course of the night, but that didn't make them any less thrilling for her. The feeling of love and affection were still very fresh and exciting and she couldn't help how every moment with Resin felt dazzling. "Thank you for getting breakfast," she told her as their lips parted, giving her love a thankful smile.
