
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-13-2020, 03:32 AM
Having dropped their breakfast at the hearth, Resin watched as Tamsyn woke. The sleepy little smile brought one of her own and she began to move towards the woman as she rose. Tam, more comfortable with herself now, kissed Resin and the big dame kissed her right back. Pulling back, she searched her lover's face. "There are things I would discuss with you after breakfast."

Resin ushered Tamsyn forward towards the young boar. It would be tender and succulent. There would be just enough for them to share without waste. Resin settled down in the main chamber. She would let Tamsyn eat her fill first. Only then would she eat.

Once the pair were finished, Resin lapped the blood from her lips with a dusty blue tongue. She had been deep in thought while she hunted. Tamsyn was new to lovemaking. She didn't even know what it was like to lay with a man. How then could she know for sure that she wished to remain with a woman for the rest of her days? It was a slightly touchy subject, but she had to speak her mind.

"I am not opposed," she began, black ears flicking forward, "to having an open relationship for a time." She wondered what her lover would have to say to that. "If you'd be open to it, I'd urge you to sleep with a man. I want you to know what you'll be missing. I don't feel that it would be fair to you to stay with me without knowing what you're missing out on." It didn't bother her to think of Tamsyn laying beneath a man. That wasn't the kind of wolf Resin was. Personally, she would miss the touch of a male, but she could go without if Tamsyn had the desire to be exclusive. That lone golden eye shifted from one mint eye to the next, waiting for Tam to sort through her thoughts and form an answer.
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]