
Remember the Name

Knight Cloud

09-02-2013, 06:42 PM

Green orbs watched carefully with calm expression as he noticed her relax, but only slightly. He was doing everything he could to make her feel unafraid, but he supposed the worry she had for her pups; or so he assumed, had her in its grip. Darkened ears flitted attentively as her soft voice spoke, and a smile graced his lips when she had finished her inquiry. "As a matter of fact, I have seen some prey nearby. If you'll allow me, I would like to escort you and aid you in your efforts." He felt himself blush again, angling his head away slightly so she wouldn't notice. He felt foolish, childish almost for offering himself a hope that she would hunt with him. Should he mention about her pups? That he could smell the milk on her? He thought about it, but...he really didn't want to alarm her and make her think that he was after her or her pups. He had never really been around them really, and he had no reason to harm kids at all.

At last, his tongue slipped before he could hold himself back. The question would slip off his tongue before he knew it, "You have pups don't you? I can smell their scent, and the scent of your milk on you." As soon as the words slipped his tongue, he immediately flinched back at what he had said. He cast his eyes to the ground, wondering if she would now turn and flee from him for fear of endangerment to her pups.
