
Sittin' On The Dock Of The Bay



09-13-2020, 03:43 PM

Ouse Boann
At Jynn's exclamation and quit retreat from the water, Ouse laughed aloud and pranced forward, intent on finding out what the creature was that had spooked her new friend. White ears perked as she moved carefully onto one of the larger mangrove roots. Below she could see a few greyish shapes moving, but they were much quicker than the sea cow. Head tilting slightly, she waited for the creatures to come closer. Eventually one, then two, then three surfaced, blowing water out of strange holes on their heads. Ouse blinked her orange eyes and looked back towards Jynn. "A strange fish indeed. It has a breathy hole on top of its head."

Carefully turning, Ouse moved back onto land and began padding down the bank, sniffing the various plants and trees. So many creatures inhabited this place. Or, if they didn't inhabit it, they traveled through here. So many smells! Interspersed with the mangroves were other different trees, though they weren't nearly as many. As Ouse walked along, a coconut fell from one of the trees, barely missing her head. It cracked open on a rock in perfect halves and the coconut water was sloshed, but mostly stayed in the one half. Curious, Ouse dipped her tongue in for a taste. "Oh! Jynn, you should try this." The liquid was earthy and had a tinge of sweetness. It was quite pleasing.
