
It's a nicer one[joining]



09-02-2013, 07:01 PM

Rivaxorus gave a boy to the king. As she looked him up and down and smiled at him. He was a beautiful male, he should have been proud of who he was. Of course she was sure by Loccian's attitude this place was a fine pack to be in. He was a fine brown color apart for a white appaloosa type marking on his hips. Her red eyes glinted in the sunlight. "Hello King Maverick, my name is Rivaxorus. I've been wanting to join Seracia and Loccian here said that it was alright but wanted you to confirm it. It's a pleasure to meet you, your eyes are a lovely shade of green by the way." She politely inquired with a wag of her tail. It was easy to see her canines through her large smile.
"I offer my services, I am a seasoned fighter and come from a large family who worked much like a kingdom. Although every kingdom is different I'm sure I can adjust in no time. Congratulations on your new children as well." Riv dipped her head, hopping she wasn't stepping out of her boundaries. Riv just was really friendly with everyone. No one deserved regardless banter, or other cruel acts unless they had sincerely done her wrong. Even then, actions across her can prove to her to gain trust back. Yet, she was the essence of respect when it came to others.