
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-13-2020, 11:56 PM

Tamsyn's brows lifted curiously when Resin mentioned that she had some things to discuss and her overly worried mind started to reel when what it could possibly be about. She thought of all kinds of things from something to do with the pack Resin wanted to create to a sudden change of heart about them being together and she hated the mystery that looked over while they ate. She almost wished Resin either hadn't mentioned anything at all until they finished their breakfast or had just gone ahead and told her now, but that wasn't the case. She tried to not dwell on it too much and instead enjoyed the food she had been given. She ate till she was comfortably full and left a good, Resin sized potion for her lover to eat.

She licked her lips clean and waited for Resin to finish eating as well with her paws crossed and form stretched out comfortably. The brief period of quiet let her mind wander again, but once Resin finished and actually told her what was on her mind, Tamsyn was confused at first, showing in her expression with her brows pulling together. She had never heard of an open relationship before and wasn't really sure what Resin meant by it, but once her lover mentioned her sleeping with a man it clicked. Open as in not exclusive. Her eyes widened with shock at the idea, but she didn't interrupt. She listened to everything Resin said and really tried to understand where the idea had come from. Tamsyn opened her mouth to respond, but ended up closing it with her ears flicking nervously while she tried to sort though her thoughts. She didn't want to rush into an answer since this was clearly something Resin had really considered before she brought it up and Tamsyn wanted to do the same.

If she was being completely honest, she hadn't once thought about anyone else or considered the fact that she might be "missing out" on being with a man since she met Resin. Perhaps it was different for her since she had never experienced that aspect like Resin had. She wondered if it would really be worth it... She loved Resin and would be perfectly content and happy to only be with her, but... she knew Resin wouldn't just bring something like this up without ample reason to. The idea of being with a man like that was... nerve wracking at best. She wanted to do everything she could to make them both as sure about this relationship as possible, but even just the thought of it made her anxious. If she had been nervous to be with Resin last night then she could only imagine what she would be like with a man.

When she looked at Resin's face she knew what her answer would be, even though she was still very uncertain. "If... If that's something you want and if the opportunity ever presents itself then... I'd be willing to try it." She couldn't promise that she would actively seek it out and she couldn't even promise that she could fully go through with anything if she did end up in that situation, but she'd be willing to try if it was something that Resin wanted her to experience. She was one of the lucky ones out of the women she grew up with that didn't have to experience having a "mate" that forced them into doing these things, but that didn't mean that she trusted most men either way. Finding someone that she trusted to be with so intimately or figuring out a way to make herself relax enough to go through with it was going to be a challenge.

A thought crossed her mind and it made her ears fold back with a mix of uncertainty and doubt. "Do you... want to leave our relationship open even after I've done that? Are you going to miss being with a man?" Really what she wanted to know was if she was going to be enough for her lover in the future, but she didn't have the confidence to say that out loud. She knew Resin would be honest with her either way so she tried to prepare herself for either answer.
