
Without a Care


09-02-2013, 07:25 PM

Oddity simply tilted his head at her laugh. He was used to odd things, he was an odd wolf. That was in his name after all. Maybe he was a bit insane maybe he wasn't, either way it didn't make him unsettled, or curious about her at all. He had simply made a statement about her cat. If he was her partner he should be with her at all times. Unless it was the other way around, the cat was controlling the dog, in which he could see that happening. The world he lived in was different from everyone else's after all. The wolf flicked his tail back and forth until she finished speaking. Well her cat could have joined with her, it wasn't just for company. You could control something, or you could serve others. something like that. There were many possibilities for survival when you were within a pack.
"I'm already in a pack." Oddity replied scratching the outside of his ear. This encounter wasn't turning very dry to him. Perhaps one day he would end up eating this girl, or they would fight each other. She wasn't a wolf, so it would be alright to eat her wouldn't it? Well he didn't feel like killing, not after joining Glaciem anyway. Yet, he still wanted to kill, it was a family tradition, specially towards the wolves who deserved to return to the great blackness.
