
-- feels like forever


09-02-2013, 08:19 PM

you only know what i want you to ,

Angeal waited for the answer, his ears pricked in his student's direction, and it seemed that an eternity was contained in the few short seconds that it took Sephiroth to raise his head and let the words spill from his maw. The black male smiled at that, his body relaxing as the younger wolf spoke with such determination. There was such confidence contained in that body, and oh, Angeal could remember when he too had had such faith in the world around him. Now, Angeal was much more realistic. Or pessimistic, according to some, but he had done a lot of things in his life. Things that would make the average wolf run away from him and never come back. "That's the right answer, Sephiroth." Angeal admitted at last, inclining his head as he surveyed his student in a new light.

Sephiroth was no longer a possible danger but a wolf to be respected by his own right. "It seems that I didn't ruin you when you were young." Angeal observed simply, "I think you will be happy here, Sephiroth. Any pack would be lucky to have you." That much was the entire truth. Sephiroth would be a good member of any pack, though he had to admit that he hoped for Ludicael. Perhaps Sephiroth would find the same peace that Angeal had found in Ludicael. And perhaps not. Perhaps he would find it elsewhere.

Angeal twitched his ears, examining the younger wolf before him. "Welcome home, Sephiroth." Angeal spoke simply, twitching his tail as he inclined his head towards the other, a new respect glinting in his blue gaze.
