
lead me out on the moonlit floor



3 Years
09-14-2020, 06:10 PM (This post was last modified: 09-14-2020, 06:36 PM by Fel.)

Ahhh, so the big man had tried to kill his sister out of jealousy. He had seemed cocky and sure of himself, but he hadn't seemed murderous. It just went to show that you never could tell about someone. It was interesting that it seemed to bother Theory so much. Fel was of the sort that didn't particularly care about people that she didn't know, so she couldn't feel much for the man's intended victim. "I wonder what her name was," she spoke more to herself than Theory. If she could nab a name, maybe she could piece the story together without outwardly asking about the sordid details.

The two women sat upon the beach, staring out to sea. For Fel, this only lasted for a moment. Water was great, but she currently had eyes for the black and white lady beside her. Pressing herself against Theory seemed to short out a circuit in her brain, for she stopped mid speech. As she regained a bit of her composure, she question Fel and the woman smiled, though in a less predatory manner.

From Theory's reactions to their close proximity to her lack of understanding to the innuendo's that Fel had been dishing out. She could only surmise that Theory might very well be a virgin. The fates were kind, it seemed. They had stolen one virgin from her this night only to place another right within her grasp. Fitting.

"A game." Reaching up, Fel placed her muzzle close to Theory's ear. "You're much too tense, lovely. Why don't you let me help you?" With gentle pressure from her paws, Fel urged her companion to lay upon her stomach in the sand. She would start slow with her and see where they ended up.

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Fel can often be a very...mature character. Be aware.