
Fall into the depths of my arms


09-02-2013, 08:33 PM

Reflective embers burned in multi color auras around the duo as they faced one another. torn by love, lust, and mourning the fair queen slayer felt her heart race to see who the victor was. Yet it seemed a new champion came to the battlegrounds to stake his claim on what he believed as his. Violet eyes narrowed with anger as she quickly approached the new comer and lodged herself between him and Zara, take away his advantage and give he youth a fair chance to stake his claim as he saw fit. Her violet eyes burned with her aggravation as she looked towards the youth cross and growled,

?Regardless of your honor to protect those that you deem family it is with in his rights to fight for someone he deems worthy as his mate. Yes, Zara is indeed correct my heart blinds my desires to a face that represents a love since passed but even still he should hold the right to a fair duel. Getting in the way would be considered disrespectful and I am sure your cousin would not appreciate the help. Should my master tear him apart then I indeed would step in to claim her. Though she is mine and I am hers, I am still queen and will claim what I desire if he so desires it.? she said simply. She had hoped he would listen to reason. Even though his protective heart spoke to fight along side his cousin this was no matter of his.

?He confesses his love, his heart is mine, and he wishes to fight for mine then let the lad fight.? She said at last, yet a hint of a warning was added to her words. Should he progress to attack Zara then he would in fact be facing her himself. She would challenge him as well to a dominance fight and take the lot home with her. Indeed there was no need for enemies on this evening. It was merely a fight for a heart that two lovers desired.