
Beware the bored fox



2 Years
Small species
09-15-2020, 12:12 AM
Bait disliked boredom, opening his muzzle to let open a large yawn.  He raised his head to look in the direction of where a wolf pack territory was, once more considering heading over.  Truly though, wolves got so upset if you went to visit without saying something.  Of course, some would kill a fox just for being a fox.  Bait’s muscles tensed, head darting up and mouth opening happily.

The sound was no bird or mouse or hooved beast.  Did hooved beasts even come into this miserable place? It would be a good hiding spot certainly, Bait was making the most of it. Bait jumped off his root to fade into the denser fog, skipped over some rather questionable fungal rock, hopping over another tree root, then to the ground jogging a short way till he saw the large sharp.  Oh heck, this was one big wolf!  He didn’t need to see close details to know that it was a giant.

Bait would want to get up higher, but he wanted an escape route just in case.  The fog in itself should help with escape and this guy clearly wasn’t moving lightly.  Once more it was a root, to a broken tree branch that raised up a bit, “Well, I’ve seen some strange sights, but dear sir, how is it you would end up in such a miserable looking place as this?” Confusion and respect so sincerely spoken in his tone, “I can’t think of a larger wolf I’ve ever seen, I assume you must lead quite the pack then?”

The red fox was close enough to see the giant and vice versa but there was no doubting who would win in a race here if the wolf didn’t take kindly to an innocent harmless fox.