
Kai / Justice litter - 1 available!



7 Years
Chrono I

09-15-2020, 09:39 AM (This post was last modified: 09-20-2020, 09:32 AM by Aranea.)

Name: Astrid (I am very open to discussion of names, I have some other's I found while searching)

Gender: Female

Personality: Astrid will be independent as a trait of both her parents. Though she will be interested in learning from them she will have no problem taking care of herself and feel empowered to have the ability to do so. Astrid will be sassy and flirtatious, adding a little fun on her agenda. She can come off as quite the tease but as she grows older she has a much more bigger meaning to the word "family" and won't just let anyone father her pups (That doesn't mean she won't have various partners though, just careful in her heat season and takes that very seriously). She also has a rather dark humor associated with sarcasm and doesn't tend to care about those she offends. Astrid will be protective of her family and those her parents hold close. Though she doesn't have the fighting skill she will not back down if her parents or siblings are threatened and finds her whole heart in them. Even if she likes to pick on them and be a little rebellious she makes up for it in the long run and in the end would give her life for them. Though Astrid would much rather live a free spirited life outside the pack with Kai, she also wants to impress her mother and be involved with her pack and strive to make herself a good name inside and outside of the pack. She also would like to be knowledgeable in all skills and abilities and want to be quite intelligent under her goofy and free attitude.

Plans: I think it'd be really cool for her to follow Kai around and he is super cool and "want to be like dad" xD but also wouldn't mind her spending some time in Valhalla with Justice and just have her whole life as a vacation going back and forth between mom's life and dad's life. Would probably have her Skills with Navigation and maybe intellect. I don't have the means to get her a mutation but if there are ever events with the mutations that can grow onto wolves and I get one I'd for sure get her some of them sexy tusks. I've also never played a wolf with attraction to the same sex but would like to give it a try with a Pan sexuality and have her explore.

Aranea has a british accent. Threads can produce a Depression Trigger.

(Ar-en-ay-ah Har-per Lah-or-ee)

Scent: Lavender
Alignment: Neutral Good
Season: Summer
Height: 26 inches
Home: Somnium - Dead