
Tell me I'm not dying



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
09-15-2020, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 09-15-2020, 01:57 PM by Dalila.)

She didn't hear or notice the stranger approach her until she felt someone's shoulder pressed to hers, beginning to lift her away from the tree that had been keeping her upright previously. Her pale gaze fluttered open and she turned her head a bit till she saw the black and white woman. She was slitty fuzzy in her vision, but she could still make out the simple markings on her features and the magenta hue of her eyes. Her immediate instinct was to be afraid of the woman, thinking it could possibly be one of the wolves that had attacked her and had managed to follow her all the way here. However, she knew that even if that was the case there was no getting away from her now. She could barely keep her eyes open, much less run away.

After a moment her foggy mind processed the question she had been asked and she began to realize that the stranger was trying to help her. Her scent held a definite pack scent, but it wasn't one she recognized so she was fairly certain it wasn't one of the enemy packs she had been fighting previously. How far had she actually gotten from her home land? She really didn't know. While it might have been easier to have the stranger carry her, Dalila couldn't get past her own pride to allow that to happen. With a good bit of effort she hoisted herself to her paws with gritted teeth. She wavered for a moment and had to lean on the monochrome woman's shoulder heavily as she found her balance, but she managed. Hopefully wherever they were going wasn't too far or she might have to change her decision on not being carried by the end of it - whether by her own choice or by the sheer fact of her passing out.

"I can walk," she replied softly, her voice sounding oddly far away in her ears.
