
Fun in the Sun


09-02-2013, 08:54 PM
i'll pick up these broken pieces till i bleed

Laughing, Galileo leaned down to nuzzle Odette lightly, his tail wagging in the air behind him. "Sand makes you itchy, you know." The male commented with a twitch of his tail, though he nudged her lightly as he lifted his head, sneezing slightly as he shook his head, trying to get rid of any sand that clung to his features. He had never liked sand very much, which made it slightly frustrating that his family had chosen to settle on a beach. Still, he knew better than to complain. He was just happy that they weren't on the run anymore. Not with such young pups clinging to his mother's side.

Still, he had to admit they were adorable. And Galileo would die before he let anything hurt them. He would not let them end up like him, fighting against demons that shouldn't exist. "Well, my Queen, I will do my best to bring honor to your Kingdom." Galileo found the formality rolling off his tongue with only the slightest of grins on his features. He was doing his best to be serious for his little sister when another of his siblings made an appearance, racing up to Odette with a happy look on her features. Oracle. He hadn't seen enough of them lately, and it almost made him wonder about whether she remembered him. Odette had, but would Oracle?

She didn't seem too worried, so Galileo put it out of his mind, grinning at the antics of his sisters as he loped after Odette, heading towards her kingdom and coming to a stop just before her. "How may I be of assistance, my queen?" He questioned playfully, bowing low before Odette as he waited for a response, one ear pricked towards Oracle as he waited for her approach.
