
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-15-2020, 05:33 PM

She instantly felt bad for suggesting that Tamsyn lay with a man. Resin just felt that it was a big decision. She wanted her to be sure. Ears tucked back against her skull and she reached out, pulling her lover close. "I don't mean to pressure you. If you're not comfortable with it, don't do it. I just want you to know that I'm okay with it if you do go through with it." The last thing that she wanted was to make Tamsyn feel bad.

Another thought rose. Tamsyn had mentioned possibly wanting children. Well, if she didn't lay with a man, that wasn't happening, now was it? If she was serious about procreating, then it was something that she would have to do. Better if she got a taste of it now. Eventually, if Tam decided on it, they could choose a donor together. The joys of an all female relationship.

The black beauties next question brought Resin's brow furrowing. "I will miss laying with a man, but it's something that I can do without. I've gone without for years." Pulling back, she searched her lovers face. "You are what I want. You, Tamsyn. You are what I need." Gently, she placed a kiss between the woman's eyes. "I love you, Tamsyn. You have my heart."

Resin looked forward to spending the rest of her days with the smaller woman. Together they could do great things. Tam had already agreed to go with her, so she would be ranked second only under herself. Rank didn't mean much to the scarred woman, but other wolves respected it, so she would lightly instill it in the pack that she planned to create. If she hadn't been completely sure of Tamsyn, she never would have chosen her. Nor would she have decided to let her rule beside her. Yes, she would miss sleeping with a man, but she would trade it in a heartbeat for sleeping with Tamsyn.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]