
I Should Have Been Down




4 Years
Extra large

Treat 2019
09-16-2020, 07:07 AM
After the party Iroh was beginning to feel better about losing Banshee, he still hurt whenever he thought of her but he’d met many other wolves and enjoyed them to chase away his sorrow. Elise and Aryn had made themselves a special place within his mind, though he was loathe to admit that maybe they’d wiggled into his heart. Maybe he was out, half hoping that he’d come across Elise by chance again, but he had a feeling she wouldn’t return to him until she was good and ready.

Iroh had used much more of his tea than he’d intended at the party, and he and Sarabi were out gathering more herbs for future cups. Better to gather now while the plants were a plenty and start drying for the winter months. Of course, they would make their way to Auster in the opposite season and find fresh, it was just more effort to get there.

His stride was slow as the pair of them wandered over the prairie, the grasses parting for his massive form. Iroh was completely confident, there was little that could threaten a wolf of his size. Bright blue and lavender eyes looked over the land as he went, pinpointing the small wolf on the hill with ease. Iroh was curious certainly, and for a long moment he debated approach. He could feel the time for tea coming on, and the hill seemed a nice place to brew.

Slowly, but with obvious intent he made his way towards her, he did nothing to conceal himself and sent out a low ‘wuff’ in greeting when he thought she couldhear him. If she didn’t just leave he’d eventually say, ”Hello! I was about to stop for tea and wondered if you’d like to join me?” Iroh would stop a polite distance away as he waited for his invitation.
Where My Demons Hide