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"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

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6 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
09-16-2020, 09:21 AM

"Mmm." She confirmed, slowing a little to sniff the floor. It seemed as though Toshi had passed over the border sometime ago, perhaps on his endless search for food. He'd turn up sooner or later so she didn't think much of it and continued on. "I heard that Winterfell raided Ashen not too long ago, so by extension they're our enemies now too. But I'm not really sure about the rest," she admitted in an easy, seamless lie.  It was all on a need to know basis, she saw no harm in giving him a gist but her dealings were hers and Sirius' alone.

"I can imagine." If nothing Naiche was a bit of an open book when it came to his desires, why else would a warrior join the Armada other than to fight and get strong? "I don't think he'd leave you behind unless you gave him a reason to, so far he seems very reasonable. At first I thought a warrior had to be all big and strong but...well you seem more than capable of holding your own. And if I can see that I'm sure Sirius can too." She gave him a gentle shoulder nudge as she passed him, just to help solidify her compliment a little.

By then they were nearing the south-eastern reach of the Plains border. All looked clear from what she could see.

"But if you ever see anyone being suspicious, hanging around the borders or what not let me know. Even after the fact." It wasn't an order, rather a soft request but one he'd be wise to heed. Her power came in the form of information, in knowing things, the more she had at her disposal the better she could serve the pack.

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