
Not. A. Shark. Doo-doo-doo-doo.




2 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
09-16-2020, 02:18 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2020, 05:27 PM by Hyperion.)
Laughing maniacally Hyperion barreled down the beach with a big fish clutched in his teeth. If asked he would swear up and down bitterly that it was a shark, but really, it was just a large shallow water fish who’d had the misfortune of looking vaguely shark-like. It was for Cissy. Why? Well...why not? He thought it was pretty cool and she was kind of brainy so maybe she’d like it.

He’d come back to the beach party with the sole purpose of making more connections but as time wore on his priorities had gotten a bit muddied. That may or may have had something to do with the bottle he’d found. It tasted terrible but made him so warm and fuzzy he couldn’t leave it alone.

As he ran Hyperion kept having to close his eyes because the “shark” kept smacking him with its tail. This weaving through wolves with his eyes sometimes closed sometimes not became a game. So far he was doing it flawlessly. Only one person had kicked sand at him and-

Out of nowhere he was sent rolling as he collided with something. Sand and legs went everywhere. Somehow the “shark” disappeared. When it was all said and done Hyperion was on his head with his tail in his face and his legs tangled together. Dazed, he unaccordion’d himself and looked around first in confusion and then alarm as he realized his prize was gone. There! He spied it flopping frantically towards the water and had just enough time to lurch to his paws before it disappeared into the waves. “No! Awwww!”

Instantly he took issue with whoever had tripped him up. Clearly it was not his fault, he’d been doing great. He spun to face his tripper. “You should watch where you’re going, bud-“ Oh hey it was a woman and she was kinda pretty. His tune changed. “I mean, I am sssuper really sorry. My bad, I should be more careful.” Looking concerned, he asked, “Are you okay?”