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Advanced Healer (95)

Beginner Navigator (0)

7 Years
09-16-2020, 03:41 PM
She really wasn’t sure what was going on, playing Jupiter’s scarf wasn’t bad though and he had promised to take extra special care of her. With the drink coursing through her she worried much less about.. something. Something dangerous but just as equally didn’t matter this night. She forgot about the atrocities she’d lived and was only concerned with how warm she was atop her galactic tower. A smile played at her dark lips and she had by now lowered the hood of her cloak. A sign of her growing comfort.

Rava wasn’t ready to leave her protector, she might have remained with him all night just for his familiarity, but she was getting in the way of his own intimate moments, though she wondered if he thought about asking her to join in with some of these perfect specimens… Where was her mind going? The last time she’d opened up to anyone… something bad had happened. She couldn’t remember right now but it still made her heart hurt. Until she took another swig of her bottle.

Suddenly after that she was on the ground and watching Jupiter stalk off. Terror gripped her, why she wasn’t sure, but she too finally gained the courage to look at who she had been left with. Liquid silver eyes blinked up at the beauty before her, much like Jupiter his grin held no ill will. Despite the circumstances she felt less like an object under his gaze than she had her master before. Like she was worth something, even if it was just the pattern of her lush fur.

”Moon jellies?” She asked him curiously (but softly, she was still feeling timid), keeping to her dark paws and retaining the distance between them. Rava took another swig of her beverage and thought for a moment before offering her new companion a swig in return.
Yes, Im wearing my cloak. You're very special if I get naked for you.