
Change of Scenery. Change of Heart?



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-16-2020, 04:38 PM

She put up absolutely no resistance when Resin pulled her close to her. She had never really seen Resin's ears fold back the way hers did so often and it made her mint eyes linger on her face with even more attention and concern than before. When she began to speak and express that she hadn't meant to pressure her it made Tamsyn's expression soften and a small smile pull onto her lips. She knew that most of the pressure she felt was more from herself than Resin, but this cemented that fact. She didn't really respond other than to nuzzle into the thick fur around Resin's neck and just let the woman's presence calm her. She knew that there was no real pressure for her to go through with the suggestion, at least not from Resin's side of things, but she still wanted to do everything she could to make Resin as confident in their relationship as she could - for both of their sake. If experimenting with a man to make sure she would be happy to just stay with Resin for the rest of their lives would make them both more comfortable then maybe it was something she should seriously explore.

Tamsyn looked up at Resin's single golden eye while she waited with a bit of nervousness for her answer to the question of if Resin was going to miss being with a man. At first her heart dropped as Resin confirmed that fact, but soon that worry was relieved with her lover's sweet words. She brought her heart back into her chest and then sent it straight off to the moon. The pure relief and joy and love was written all over her face as soon as she heard Resin tell her that she loved her. That was all she really needed. The sex was fun and perhaps if the opportunity came up she would take the chance to try her luck with a man, but at the end of the day she loved Resin and Resin loved her. They had each other's hearts and nothing was going to change that. "I love you too," she replied softly, emotion thick in her tone as she did her very best to keep her tears in check, even if they were happy tears.

She was so excited to see what their future would hold and how they would grow and evolve together. She was nervous about leaving to go to Resin's pack once it became a reality, but she was still very much on board and would give up anything to help make this dream come true. She loved Resin's desires behind the pack and she couldn't wait to see it come to fruition. There was no doubt in her mind that it was going to be wonderful. Perhaps once they were settled into their new life there they could discuss more of their future and how a family might fit into that picture... but that was a conversation Tamsyn wasn't sure she'd ever be fully ready to have. Many other things needed to settle into place first before she'd even begin to consider that possibility, but it was one that lingered in the back of her mind all the same.

She continued to think back over their conversation and the suggestions that Resin had made and the desires she had even as Tamsyn leaned up to press a sweet, tender kiss to Resin's lips. After a moment of thoughtful silence, Tam told her, "I know you said its something you could go without, but if you ever wanted to sleep with a man you could. I'd be okay with that. I want you to be happy and satisfied, even if being with a man turns out to not be my thing." She smiled a little and gave Resin another kiss before she added, "I trust you."
