
Team Free Will


09-02-2013, 10:48 PM

I'm sitting pretty on the throne,
there's nothing more I want,
except to be alone

She remained still, silent, and ever so observant of the boy before her. The more time she spent time with him, the more interested she became in him. At first he had been an illusion, a mirage of the man she was trying to avoid, but please, all at the same time. If he had been the ghost, things could have ended quickly right then and there- but thankfully it hadn't been him. She wasn't exactly in the mood to see Isardis, especially since he was after her and all. At least she assumed he was.

The boy started talking, at first hesitant, but eventually, he let some words out. The story started leaving bad mental images in the girls mind, so she turned away from him for a moment. A dead body huh? Had he watched someone die? She had to admit, she was happy she didn't watch her mother die, but seeing her dead body dragged in debris and mud couldn't have been much better. She started to wonder what went through her head when she died, and what exactly did it feel like? Her mind started to wander, but she quickly shook the thoughts away. She didn't need to dwell on this right now. At least, not to the extent she was about to reach. "Sounds... Horrid." Were the only words she could manage at the moment. She swallowed hard, but the lump in her throat didn't go away. "My mother... She was dragged through debris, mud, and murky water when she passed. The worst part was, I was so naive, that I thought she was still alive when my father finally stopped." The words were a hushed whisper for only him to hear. She wanted to whine, get up, cry, walk away, something- but she remained still, eyes drifted away from his gaze. All she could do was think
