
Colors In The Water


09-02-2013, 11:28 PM

Windswept figure would walk upon the land. Aqua blue oculars searching the scenes before him. Many a creature flitted about, scrambling away from the presence of the mostly white skinned boy. Paintbrush would skim the ground as he walked, trailing his own hidden path to follow should he get lost. New was he to this land, having come from way overseas. The fall breeze swept across slate and pale fur, cooling him from the previous days of lost summer heat. He would pick up his pace, his nostrils picking up the subtle scent of fresh water and darkened legs raced forward. He had been away from water for quite a while, and it was where he felt most at ease. Finesse and grace would throttle him forward like a friesian in display, tail flagging out behind him now like a black tipped flag.

Gloved forelimbs would leap across a fallen log, hind limbs scrambling over to push him towards his destination. Though not yet at his full grown height, he still had a few inches to go. But quickly would he grow into them in the oming month. At last, aqua orbs fell upon a small pond barricaded with fronds and lillies, cat tails and willow. He slowed his pace upon reaching the water, peering into the crystalline pools to find colorful flecks of orange, black, white and red. Koi chased each other playfully within its depths, frogs and turtles would sit lazily upon the shore or the lily pads. Carefully he would seat himself and watch the game of tag before him. With a smile spreading gently across his features, he dipped the tip of his tail into the pool and chuckled softly as the large fish then began to nip playfully at him.
