
Sand dune days



The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
09-17-2020, 06:56 PM

Tamsyn hadn't been paying much attention while she waited for the later evening to bring cooler weather, letting her mind wander to other more pressing topics in her life than her random desire to explore, which was why she didn't notice the mostly gray and white woman that approached her until she spoke. Her voice pulled her mint gaze away from the far flung distance and she looked at the blue eyed woman with surprise. She seemed to be close in age to herself if she was going to guess and a fair bit smaller than her - not that it really mattered unless they were going to be in battle at some point. It was all just observations that she couldn't help to make after her many hours of training and perfecting her fighting skills. She found herself sizing up strangers without really thinking about it.

However, this stranger was clearly no threat and was in fact asking about her well being. Tamsyn smiled at the woman and got to her paws, giving a small shake of her head. "Oh, no, I'm okay! Thank you for checking on me though, that's quite nice of you. I was mostly just exploring to see what was out this way since I haven't sent much time in the west yet." She glanced around at the fairly barren sand dunes, gesturing with her paws at the vast emptiness around them. "Clearly I picked a lovely place to start my journey." She chuckled softly and brought her attention back to the stranger. She noted that her scent wasn't one that she was entirely familiar with, but she could also be certain that she wasn't part of Aerie so that at least cleared up the possibility a rift between them with that pack dynamic. "I'm Tamsyn by the way. What brings you out here? Anything interesting that I've missed so far?"
