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2 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Spooky CaveBeevent
09-17-2020, 10:22 PM (This post was last modified: 09-17-2020, 10:29 PM by Naiche.)

Empresses shouldn’t have bent quills? Hah! Naiche imagined if she was a real empress she’d have to end up with worse than bent quills at points.  Unless she wasn’t like Sirius, perhaps she let other wolves in the pack do the dirty work while she kept her quills perfect?  Poor damn thing. Though would Sirius accept a pack with such an empress as an ally? Probably not but really, a bent quill?  As she talked about it he waited quietly and at least managed to imitate patience.

The question surprised him and he bit back the first answer that came to his mind.  His pet fell on her! This wasn’t the end of the world or some vicious act.  Damn, she was petty.  The best part is she was only getting to be a bitch because of her station and he was willing to bet she got it by merit of parents versus earning it.  “Yes, empress.  I would be sorry for snarling at a wolf on your land.”  Hey! He was getting better at lying.  He had found her looking as if she'd attack Pan, of course, he'd be right to protect his friend if not someone of higher station.  Allies didn't mean he had to be a pushover, did it?  The words came out stiff but the formal tone he was trying to keep to would help that right?   Naiche really just wanted to help bend a few more of her quills backward.

Allies.  Allies.  Allies.  Naiche repeatedly reminded himself of the important word. “I’m assuming you wouldn’t want Pan to fix it either? He should be able to fairly easily with his hands.  But I can certainly see why you might say no to that also.” His eyes flicked to where Pan was and smirked as he found the Pangolin climbing up a tree trunk using those well-clawed hands.  

Letting out a slow sigh, “is there something I can do to help repay for the trouble Pan brought you?”  Honestly, he just wanted this over with.  He wasn’t allowed to keep up his hotheaded pride so now he would just do whatever to get her off his back.  Had Asla got the idea of quills for armor from this lady? Naiche imagined the two would either be good friends or have an extreme hatred, they seemed too similar to not be one or the other.  Both were a pain.

Speech:"Live to fight" Think