
Could This Be Home?



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
09-18-2020, 02:54 AM
He was glad to see that Resin responded positively to his presence. Seeing a friendly face was certainly a nice distraction - even if it was just a momentary reprieve. When she invited him to sit with her he did, reclining onto his haunches beside her while he listened to her explanation for why she was out here by the hot springs on her own. Her answer made him lift his brows with surprise and pulled his pale gaze from their surroundings so that he could look at her instead.

He was quietly attentive while she explained her reasoning for wanting to bring this pack to life and he nodded with understanding. It sounded like she certainly had the experience to back up her desire to lead - the thing that he was currently lacking. He had the desire and the vision for it, but he’d never had to lead anyone in any shape or form. If he was being honest, he really didn’t even remember much from the pack his father led when he was a child and he hadn’t had a chance to be a member of one because of the traveling he did with his mother. Perhaps it was foolish for him to think that he might be able to fall into the role with hopes and dreams alone.

When she turned the question back on him he chuckled a little and sighed as he glanced away toward the steaming pools. “More just... thinking,” he replied after a moment. He didn’t know Resin personally outside of the time they had spent together during and after the fight they carried out with the lion, but there was certainly something about her that made him feel relaxed near her. He didn’t want to dump his entire life story on her lap, but with her experience he was genuinely curious to hear her thoughts.

“I’ve been working toward building a pack of my own as well,” he answered honestly, giving her a glance. “I have an idea for how I would like it to be run and I’m willing to put in the work to do it, but...” Ulric hesitated for a moment while he tried to find the right words to say. “Family has always come first. I haven’t gotten to experience what living in a pack is really like because my father’s pack was taken from us when he died and I was just a pup back then. I traveled with my mother while she grieved and now that I’m back in Boreas my time has still been wrapped up in trying to sort out my family again.” He paused and a bitter sweet smile crossed his face. “And now I have a fiancé and I feel like I’m putting our lives on hold while I continue to chase this dream.”