
Could This Be Home?



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
09-18-2020, 03:29 AM
He seemed a little surprised at her reason for being there and the cause of that surprise soon came to light. He'd come here alone to think, and what he was thinking about was right along her own train of thought. Ulric spoke of wanting a pack, lack of experience and family coming first. The scarred woman chuckled. "Pack is family, so of course family comes first."

Forelegs slid outward and Resin rested upon her stomach. She could understand his concerns. Taking on the responsibility for countless others was no light decision. Making decisions and knowing that those decisions could mean life or death for those that looked up to you... well... it wasn't something that everyone could handle. There were some that were born to lead, like herself. There were others that learned to lead. Perhaps Ulric was if that ilk.

Being the dirty to take others under her scarred wings, Resin instantly thought of an idea. Dare she say it aloud? Oh, she dared. "From what I know of you, you've a good head on your shoulders. A sound mind." The fact that he was thinking doooo felt on the matter showed that he didn't take it lightly.

The woman brought her piercing golden gaze to the mans earthen face. "If you wish it, you and yours could join The Hallows. I would allow you to shadow me and see what it truly means to lead and protect." When and if the time came where he wished to leave and forge his own pack, she would allow him to do so. Far be it from Resin to halt the progress of another. "What say you?"
[Image: GreYdcM.gif]